There are several different ways in which you may choose to make a tax deductible contribution to the Senior Homes Foundation
Memorial Gifts
Gifts may be given in memory of a deceased friend or loving family member benefiting the many residents of Lilac Plaza and Holman Gardens.
Honorary Gifts
Thoughtful gifts honoring someone living are rewarding to both the donor and the honoree, and assist in furthering worthy programs at Lilac Plaza and Holman Gardens.
Gifts of Appreciated Securities
A Gift of Appreciated securities is generally a tax deductible donation at the fair market value of the securities. No capital gains are realized on the gift
Retained Income Trusts
You may choose to contribute a Retained Income Trust Fund, if you have appreciated stocks, bonds or other assets which you cannot sell without incurring large capital gains. These Trust Funds will pay you, or your spouse, income for life. The IRS has favored these by providing pre-approved forms. Upon your death, the property passes to the Foundation. Your income may well be increased while you receive an immediate income tax deduction measured by the present worth of the fully appreciated value of the property. This allowed you to avoid capital gains tax while being relieved of management worries and while benefiting the residents of Lilac Plaza and Holman Gardens.
Designated Gifts for Special Purposes
If you have a special purpose you would like to see the Foundation accomplish, you may choose to designate your gift for a special purpose. However, since the Foundation does not accept which do not fulfill the charitable mission of the organization, it is necessary for you to speak first with a representative of the Foundation to make certain the Foundation can accept and properly administer your designated gift.